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Tag: The Essence of Vinegrowing

The Essence of Vinegrowing


A Conversation with Resit Soley

Preserving Heritage and Nurturing Culture

Q: Importance of Vinegrowing

R. Soley: Turkey, specifically the Anatolian Peninsula, is the cradle of vinegrowing and wine production. Stretching from southern Georgia to Armenia, Iran, Mesopotamia Resit Soley’s Mission in Turkish Viniculture, and aligning with the western regions, this area produces the finest grapes. The climate imparts unique characteristics to the grapes, making Anatolia a viticultural treasure. Despite possessing the world’s 4th or 5th largest vineyards, Turkey struggles to unlock the full potential of this valuable resource. Vinegrowing is not just a practice; it’s a cultural heritage that demands experience, patience, dedication, and a deep connection to the land. Unfortunately, these traditions are eroding as commercial paths gain prominence and younger generations lose interest in th



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