Where does the name Istanbul come from?
Istanbul Tours – Istanbul was officially adopted as a sole name in 1930. Through the ages the city of Istanbul has changed its name...
Ensar on Chinese state TV
Customized Guided Tour – Ensar Islamoglu on CCTV
Chinese Television got the best guide for their customized guided tour. It was Ensar’s pleasure to tell them...
When was Istanbul settled?
Istanbul daily tours – The earliest-known settlement in the area, which people now know as Istanbul, was probably founded around 1000 BC. Its name...
Balkan Tours 2023
Balkan Tours 2023, the fairy-tale called Balkan tours (this time Balkan tours 2023) continues. Very famous and still an enigma for many, Balkans never...
Balkan Tours 2022
Balkan Tours 2022, when planning your holiday, think about the Balkan peninsula. Consider the exotic destination where you can experience culture, tasty food, adventures....
Theoderic or Boethius saw
If it then happened that this man and his colleagues were in correspondence with leading figures in Constantinople and if they were known to...
Constantinople with the traditional insignia
Odoacer went on to behave in as natural and Roman a way as one could expect. He sent ambassadors to Constantinople with the traditional...
Severinus’s death left the community at the mercy of brutes
Severinus’s death left the community at the mercy of brutes. A bad barbarian (a son of the good king we just heard of) sacked...
Rebaptize catholic Christians
His world was full of good barbarians and bad barbarians. Roman forces—or, to be more precise, the forces that Rome paid—were fading away, leaving...