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Eumieus` Tale

Ancient GreeceThere is no land without its story-tellers, and in the dawn of Hellenic civilization we find the half-legendary author of the Iliad and the Odyssey telling tales—some of them so long and elaborate...

Customized tour Bulgaria

After a hardworking month or year, the normal thing is to think of a way to relax. Many and different the ways are but the most common one is to travel. Although the easiest...

The Snow Storm part 13

“I got out of the sledge without saying a word and went into the church, which was feebly lit up by two or three tapers. A young girl was sitting on a bench in...

The Snow Storm part 12

Dear, kind Maria Gavrilovna, do not try to deprive me of my last consolation: the thought that you would have consented to make me happy, if…”“Don`t speak, for Heaven`s sake, don`t speak. You torture...

The Snow Storm part 11

A secret, of whatever nature it may be, always presses heavily upon the human heart. Her stratagem had the desired success; at least Bourmin fell into such a reverie, and his black eyes rested...

The Snow Storm part 10

We have already said that, in spite of her coldness, Maria Gavrilovna was, as before, surrounded by suitors. But all had to retire into the background when the wounded Colonel Bourmin of the Hussars,...

The Snow Storm part 9

Another misfortune fell upon her: Gavril Gavrilovitch died, leaving her the heiress to all his property. But the inheritance did not console her; she shared sincerely the grief of poor Praskovia Petrovna, vowing that...

The Snow Storm part 8

Nobody in the house knew anything about her flight. The letters, written by her the evening before, had been burnt; and her maid, dreading the wrath of her master, had not whispered a word...

The Snow Storm part 7

“What do you want?”“Is Jadrino far from here?”“Yes, yes! Is it far?”“Not far; about ten versts.”At this reply, Vladimir grasped his hair and stood motionless, like a man condemned to death.“Where do you come...

The Snow Storm part 6

At last Vladimir perceived that he was going in the wrong direction. He stopped, began to think, to recollect, and compare, and he felt convinced that he ought to have turned to the right....



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