The Friar of Novara part 2
But this excellent and considerate husband was scarcely laid at rest in the ground before tidings of this his last will and testament reached the ears of the superior of the convent of San...
The Friar of Novara part 1
Angolo Firenzuola (1493-1546)
One of the most brilliant of the Renaissance scholars and poets, Angolo Firenzuola belonged to the group that scandalized even his contem-poraries by associating with the notorious Aretino. Bom near Pistoja in...
The Son and his Friends part 4
And again he recounted all that had happened; and the good friend of his father directly said, that he would do all to save his life and his reputation. And it by chance happened...
The Son and his Friends part 3
Some of them, indeed, said that they would go to solicit on his behalf; and others observed that they would do as much, and, moreover, would not desert him even till after his execution,...
The Son and his Friends part 2
The History
“My Lord Conde Lucanor,” said Patronio, “a certain good man had a son; and among other matters which he advised, he enjoined him always to endeavor to obtain a great number of friends;...
The Son and his Friends part 1
Juan Manuel (1380 – 1347)
Prince Don Juan, son of the Infant Don Manuel, was one of the earliest writers in the Spanish vernacular. He was actively engaged in politics and warfare for the greater...
Julia Cahill`s Curse part 5
I`ve heard tell that he called her the evil spirit that set men mad. But most of the people that were there are dead or gone to America and no one rightly knows what...
Julia Cahill`s Curse part 4
And he went fairly wild when Julia told him the example she was going to set. He tried to keep his temper, sir, but it was getting the better of him all the while....
Julia Cahill`s Curse part 3
And many`s the pound she had made for her parents at that counter. Michael Moran says to the father, `Now, what fortune are you going to give with Julia?` And the father says there...
Julia Cahill`s Curse part 2
“Didn`t she go into the mountains every night to meet the fairies, and who else could`ve given her the power to put a curse upon the village?”“But she couldn`t walk so far in one...