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Resit Soley’s Mission in Turkish Viniculture


Preserving Heritage and Quality

Elevated to the Advisory Board Focused on Turkish Wine Culture

Resit Soley, elected to the Advisory Board of the Wine Culture Project in Turkey, is actively engaged in promoting and preserving the rich wine heritage of the country.

Q: What role do you play in Turkish viniculture, and what initiatives are you involved in?

Resit Soley: Corvus, recognized by The Guardian Newspaper among the top ten vineyards globally worth visiting, signifies acknowledgment of our efforts. Ertugrul Ozkok, in one of his articles, stated, “I make peace with Turkish wines,” highlighting the growing acceptance of Turkish wines. While we concentrate on vinegrowing, we are equally committed to producing exceptional wines. In our first harvest, we proudly crafted the best wines in Turkey, a result of the favorable island microclimate and advanced technology. However, the essence lies in continuous dedicated efforts Read more

Reviving Bozcaada’s Wine Culture


Corvus Vineyards’ Journey

Bozcaada A Haven for Vineyards

Architect Resit Soley embarked on a mission in 2002 – to revive Bozcaada’s ancient wine and vineyard culture, which boasts a rich history spanning 3,000 years. His vision goes beyond creating the best “white” wine in Turkey The Essence of Vinegrowing; it’s about restoring Turkish wine and vineyard culture to its rightful place on the global stage.

Forgotten Heritage The Decline of Turkish Wine

The origins of wine, produced through grape fermentation, are lost in the annals of time. However, Anatolian lands, where this culture thrived millions of years ago, have witnessed its decline and, in some ways, destruction. Illicit development, religious pressures, commercial interests, misuse of pesticides, and a disconnect from cultural roots have hampered Turkey’s ability to harness its viticultural potential. Yet, there

Castle Guardianship


There isn’t even any tavern, and places serving zythum don’t exist either. The inhabitants engage in fishing, castle guardianship, and boat rowing. The hills are covered with red cherry trees, and the cherries of this area are renowned in the Greek, Arabic, and Persian regions.

Istinye: It boasts a large port sheltering one thousand ships. The Greek and Muslim populations coexist in the village.

Yenikoy: This place, built upon the firman of Sultan Suleyman, is called Yenikoy for this reason. It’s a beautiful area comprising three thousand houses with gardens and vineyards. All inhabitants hail from Trabzon and have a tendency to quarrel, a characteristic attributed to their origins, but they are good tradesmen. They possess nearly two hundred shops, with some hundred of these shops located at the seashore selling rusks A Unique Planet Bahcesaray. Captains of the ships sailing to the Black Sea load their ships wit



“Göksu” by Musahipzade Celal: “Göksu winds at three or four places, forming falls where it flows down. Mud from its banks is used to make jugs and flowerpots. Wooden bridges cross it, mills roll its water, and the gunpowder magazine nourishes the green areas of Inner Göksu.”

Night in the Bosphorus described by Ahmet Haşim: “I don’t know another night darkness as powerful as the one along the street that traverses the Bosphorus along the sea behind the old yalıs. This is a rich darkness, reminiscent of an underwater realm filled with corals, sponges, moss, and various kinds of nacres.”

Yalıs of Haluk Y. Şehsuvaroğlu: “In some yalıs of the Old Bosphorus, various fishes were kept in swimming pools containing seawater. One very famous one was built in the yard of Chief Octroi Hüseyin Bey in Vanikoy.”

Bosphorus of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar: “Every hour of the day has a different aspect in Beylerbeyi, Emirg

A Unique Planet Bahcesaray


Bahcesaray, formerly known as Mukus, is undeniably one of the most intriguing places in our country. Despite having a stable population of around 6 thousand, it is widely recognized. If one were to inquire about a seldom-visited place in our country that is well-known, the answer would undoubtedly be Bahcesaray.

Bahcesaray is renowned for being inaccessible for 7 to 8 months a year. Although a recent effort by the prime minister has opened a road to make it accessible during the winter season, it remains quite distant from the town center. This road is rarely preferred unless absolutely necessary, and the shorter road cannot be opened to traffic in the winter. In summary, Bahcesaray is exceptionally unique and distinct. It stands apart from its neighbors in terms of geography, social structure, lifestyle, humor Göksu, culinary culture, the local people’s approach to events, and the widespread playing of chess. People colloquially refer to it as &#

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