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Julia Cahill`s Curse part 5

I`ve heard tell that he called her the evil spirit that set men mad. But most of the people that were there are dead or gone to America and no one rightly knows what...

Julia Cahill`s Curse part 4

And he went fairly wild when Julia told him the example she was going to set. He tried to keep his temper, sir, but it was getting the better of him all the while....

Julia Cahill`s Curse part 3

And many`s the pound she had made for her parents at that counter. Michael Moran says to the father, `Now, what fortune are you going to give with Julia?` And the father says there...

Julia Cahill`s Curse part 2

“Didn`t she go into the mountains every night to meet the fairies, and who else could`ve given her the power to put a curse upon the village?”“But she couldn`t walk so far in one...

Julia Cahill`s Curse part 1

George Moore (1852-1933) George Moore was born in County Mayo, in 1852, of a well-to-do family. At an early age he wished to become a painter, and went to Paris for that purpose. Finding that...

The Story of Devadatta 1

Somadeva (Flourished about 1070 A.D.) Somadeva (Soma with the Brahminical suffix deva) was a poet of Kashmir. His celebrated collection, the Ocean of Streams of Stories, based upon Buddhist stories, traditions, and an earlier collection...

The Prodigal Son 2

Music and dance Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard music and dancing. And he called one of the servants, and asked...

The Jewish Mother 2

The literature of the New Testament (which was written in late Greek) is difficult to classify. It is Jewish, of course, but permeated by a distinctly non-Hebraic spirit. The influence exerted by the narratives...

The History of Susanna 2

And the elders said:—“As we walked in the garden alone, this woman came in with two maids, and shut the garden doors, and sent the maids away. Then a young man, who there was...

The Dream 1

Apuleius (Born ca. 125 A.D.) Lucius Apuleius, author of The Golden Ass, was born and educated in northern Africa. He practised law, was an indefatigable traveller, a ceaseless investigator into religious ceremonies and mysteries, and...

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