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The Friar of Novara part 6

Ser Tomeno, the moment he had perused this document, lost no time in acquainting Agabio with the progress of the affair, and he, desiring...

The Friar of Novara part 5

This done, they next despatched a confidential servant with a message to the wily monk in their mother`s name, begging that he would no...

The Friar of Novara part 4

Alarmed at the idea of being in a similar predicament, and feeling extremely weak and troubled, such was the impression of the monk`s oratory,...

The Friar of Novara part 3

They are equally cautious not to burden the mind with too much study, finding the truth of the Scripture observation, that it is indeed...

The Friar of Novara part 2

But this excellent and considerate husband was scarcely laid at rest in the ground before tidings of this his last will and testament reached...

The Friar of Novara part 1

Angolo Firenzuola (1493-1546) One of the most brilliant of the Renaissance scholars and poets, Angolo Firenzuola belonged to the group that scandalized even his contem-poraries...

The Son and his Friends part 4

And again he recounted all that had happened; and the good friend of his father directly said, that he would do all to save...

The Son and his Friends part 3

Some of them, indeed, said that they would go to solicit on his behalf; and others observed that they would do as much, and,...

The Son and his Friends part 2

The History “My Lord Conde Lucanor,” said Patronio, “a certain good man had a son; and among other matters which he advised, he enjoined him...

The Son and his Friends part 1

Juan Manuel (1380 – 1347) Prince Don Juan, son of the Infant Don Manuel, was one of the earliest writers in the Spanish vernacular. He...

Golden Gate of Dreams