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Private Bulgaria tours Pirin

Bulgaria can easily be called a mountainous country. Almost half of its territory is home to different in size, height, character and origin mountainous formations. Mountains in Bulgaria are so various. They are small...

A King in Disguise part 5

Unbounded was the joy and congratulation of the courtiers on thus meeting with him safe and uninjured. The king then turning round to the poor fisherman, informed him that he was the monarch wltom...

A King in Disguise part 4

Even I, a poor fisherman, with a wife and little family, am not forgotten, and enjoy my poverty in peace. He permits me to fish for eels wherever I please, and take them afterwards...

A King in Disguise part 3

As he thus stood, listening to the distant thunder and the raving of the storm, he stretched his view in vain to discover some signs of human existence; until, on proceeding a few more...

A King in Disguise part 2

Residing there during several years, I acquired an excellent knowledge of the language, manners, and peculiar practices of the people, when I was at length prevailed upon to join a party of Oranese merchants,...

A King in Disguise part 1

Matteo Bandello (1480 – 1560)Bandello, a Lombard noble by birth, is, next to Boccaccio, the most celebrated of the Italian story-tellers, and he, like his predecessor, furnished Shakespeare with plots and ideas. He resided...

The Friar of Novara part 7

Here the risible muscles of the-notary would permit him to proceed no further, and his laugh was speedily caught and re-echoed through the whole court; insomuch that the poor friar, overwhelmed with ridicule and...

The Friar of Novara part 6

Ser Tomeno, the moment he had perused this document, lost no time in acquainting Agabio with the progress of the affair, and he, desiring nothing better, took his attorney along with him, and called...

The Friar of Novara part 5

This done, they next despatched a confidential servant with a message to the wily monk in their mother`s name, begging that he would no longer give himself the trouble of calling, as her sons,...

The Friar of Novara part 4

Alarmed at the idea of being in a similar predicament, and feeling extremely weak and troubled, such was the impression of the monk`s oratory, that she was just on the point of yielding her...

Golden Gate of Dreams