Julia Cahill`s Curse part 4


And he went fairly wild when Julia told him the example she was going to set. He tried to keep his temper, sir, but it was getting the better of him all the while. And Julia said, `My boy isn`t in the parish now, but maybe he is on his way here, and he may be here to-morrow or the next day.` And when Julia`s father heard her speak like that he knew that no one would turn her from what she was saying, and he said, `Michael Moran, my good man, you may go your way: you will never get her.` Then he went back to hear what Julia was saying to the priest, but it was the priest that was talking.`Do you think,` says he, `I am going to let you go on turning the head of every boy in the parish? Do you think`, says he, `I`m going to see you gallivanting with one and then with the other ? Do you think I am going to see fighting and quarreling for your like? Do you think I am going to hear stories like I heard last week about poor Patsy Carey, who has gone out of his mind, they say, on account of your treatment? No`, says he, `I`ll have no more of that.

Father trembling

I`ll have you out of my parish, or I`ll have you married.` Julia didn`t answer the priest; she tossed her head, and went on making up parcels of tea and sugar, and getting the steps and taking down candles, though she didn`t want them, just to show the priest that she didn`t mind what he was saying. And all the while her father trembling, not knowing what would happen, for the priest had a big stick, and there was no saying that he wouldn`t strike her.Cahill tried to quiet the priest, he promising him that Julia shouldn`t go out any more in the evenings, and bedad, sir, she was out the same evening with a young man and the priest saw them, and the next evening she was out with another and the priest saw them, nor was she minded at the end of the month to marry any of them.Then the priest went down to the shop to speak to her a second time, and he went down again a third time, though what he said the third time no one knows, no one being there at the time. And next Sunday he spoke out, saying that a disobedient daughter would have the worst devil in hell to attend on her.

Read More about Julia Cahill`s Curse part 2